
Equal opportunity act
Equal opportunity act

equal opportunity act

#Equal opportunity act code

Code Title 42, Chapter 21 - Civil Rights prohibits discrimination against persons based on age, disability, gender, race, national origin and religion (among other things) in a number of settings including education, employment, access to businesses and buildings, and federal services. Preventing and Addressing Workplace Harassment TrainingĢ9 CFR Part 1614 prohibits employment discrimination on the bases of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age and disability, as well as retaliation, and applies to employment discrimination by the federal government. DHS Policy Guidance on Preventing Harassment Commandant’s Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy Statement dtd ĭ.

equal opportunity act

Nielsen on Preventing Workplace Harassment dtd ī. Workforce Engagement and Anti-Harassment LearningĪ. Federal statutes and regulations applicable to civilian Equal Employment Opportunity programs do not apply, and the EEOC has no jurisdiction over military cases. However, the military Equal Opportunity Program is based on the concepts of the 19 Civil Rights Acts. Military Equal Opportunity policies are generally based on precepts set forth in civilian equal employment opportunity policy. Some of the laws and applicable statutes include the Equal Pay Act of 1963 as amended, the Civil Rights Act of 19 as amended, and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967. Legal mandates and regulations dictate and define the Coast Guard’s Equal Opportunity policies. Equal Employment Opportunity Laws, Statutes, and Regulations Overview

Equal opportunity act